
Showing posts from March, 2015

215 "One Door Closes"

It's SHIELD vs. SHIELD as Coulson discovers deception in his ranks. Fallen comrade Isabelle Hartley (Lucy Lawless) returns to put a face on when SHIELD fell as Matt and Pete open up episode 215, "One Door Closes." MP3 iTunes

214 "Love in the Time of Hydra"

Under the leadership of Robert Gonzales (Edward James Olmos), a splinter SHIELD faction steps forward to stand and deliver. Meanwhile, Grant Ward and Agent 33 resurface... and they have a plan. Pete and Matt court episode 214, "Love in the Time of Hydra." MP3 iTunes

213 "One of Us"

Dr. Cal Zabo has assembled a dream team of super villains while Agent May's ex-husband makes in roads with SHIELD. Matt and Pete come together to take apart episode 213, "One of Us." MP3 iTunes

212 "Who You Really Are"

The return of everybody's favorite female Asgardian, who is suffering from amnesia, has SHIELD on edge. But are Bobbi Morse and Mack playing for a different team? Pete and Matt explore episode 212, "Who You Really Are." MP3 iTunes

211 "Aftershocks"

Coulson's team comes to grips with what Daisy Johnson has done while Raina grapples with what they have become. Pete and Pete monitor episode 211, "Aftershocks." MP3 iTunes